Home > Giving > Jewish Community Foundation > Donor-Advised Funds
Some funds in the Foundation are donor-advised philanthropic funds. These funds are established with a donation to the Foundation, often with appreciated stock, or through year-end donation of cash to take advantage of charitable deductions from current income tax. Subsequently, the donor recommends distributions from the fund to IRS-recognized qualified charities recognized by the IRS, that align with the mission of the Foundation mission. This allows the donor to take advantage of making one donation, such as the transfer of appreciated stock, receiving a tax deduction for the full value of the appreciated stock, and then making multiple smaller distributions from the proceeds of that transfer at a later date. A donor can name a child or children as successor Trustees in order to encourage children to continue the tradition of philanthropy.
You can establish a Donor-Advised Fund with a minimum gift of $10,000 in cash, stock, or other property.
Some of the benefits of a Donor-Advised Fund are:
Donors receive an immediate tax deduction and eliminate capital gains taxes on any long-term appreciated property.
Provides a central location for your charitable giving.
Your gifts to the fund will remain confidential.
You stay involved and, if needed, utilize JCF’s expertise and resources to recommend agencies and programs that connect with your charitable interests and meet the needs of the community.
You can pass the right to recommend grants from your fund to your successor.